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Sometimes Life Knocks You on Your Bum… Literally.

I fell down the steps the other day. Yep, you heard that right. Me, an adult woman, 36 years old, sliding down the steps like a toddler just learning to walk. Except bigger and harder, much much harder! Ha! I have wood floors, wood steps, and I was wearing socks (that’s a mistake by the way). I was most likely rushing to do something, stepped on the steps, and boom – there I was on my back, legs in front, sliding all the way down, my bum thumping along and my hand smacking each step as I tried to grab onto something, anything, to stop me from sliding all the way down (I’m sure I looked super graceful!).

Where are we going with this, Chrystal?

As I sit here today, with a sore bum and bruises down my thigh, I’m thinking that maybe that was a very clear, and very literal sign from above that I need to SLOW DOWN! We all need to SLOW DOWN! How many times are we running from one place to the next, telling our kids to “hurry up, we gotta go, we’re going to be late”, driving from here to there and all without a moment of time to take in our surroundings. Not taking the time to feel the sun and warmth on our faces. Not taking the time to notice the smile on our kids’ faces as they laugh with their siblings, or that speck of dirt on their nose from playing outside all afternoon?

TOO OFTEN. The answer is far too often.

I know we have SO MUCH TO DO all the time. So many pressures are being put on us, either by ourselves or from others. It’s so easy to rush through life, trying to get all the things done. And if you are like me you are thinking “if I can just get this one thing done, THEN I will have time to do ___________”, but that time never seems to come. And then we feel guilty for not taking that time and then we just work harder! It’s a vicious, vicious cycle and it is up to us to stop it.

It is up to us to stop the cycle. It is up to us to give ourselves grace. It is up to us to allow ourselves not to be perfect. That’s right, you heard me! WE DON’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT! In fact, we aren’t perfect.

Let’s embrace our imperfect selves. Let’s work to take things a little slower. If you need to schedule time to slow down into your calendar, do it! If you need to write 6-8pm – NO ELECTRONICS in your calendar/daily planner, do it! Or maybe you need to set an alarm that reminds you to put your phone away, do it! Can you feel how freeing it will be to have time devoted to being present with your family? Or present with your spouse, your friends, your pups, yourself?

Wow. Just WOW. Are your shoulders relaxing just a bit? Mine are just thinking about it.


So here it is, here’s the challenge. Take time. Embrace your imperfect. Schedule time in your day to be present. Allow yourself the freedom to be present, and feel all the feels. Let go of the guilt.

You deserve to feel the happiness and gratitude that comes from the little moments that may be passing you by right now. You deserve time for YOU! Close your eyes, take a breath, release the pressure you are putting on yourself. Do you feel the peace? Do you feel the joy? That’s what you deserve. You deserve to feel happy and at peace.

Stay Wild my friends, xoxo – Chrystal

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